Once you receive your character, you can let us know if you would like to change anything about it! We don’t need to know about minor changes (like the exact character traits – we trust you on this to run off and have fun with the inspiration we give you) but should you wish to change the background or opt-out of relations, we need to know to adjust the stories that involve other players. 
The characters will have an account name aka the name the character uses as their online handle and on the app/messageboard. Participants will decide on their characters real life name and gender themselves.
All characters will be humans of a certain Hunter type as described in Life of a Hunter and part of a group of Hunters, who regularly go hunting together. These aspects will determine the general flavour of your character, however we aim to make the groups diverse and interesting internally and give them some strong plothooks for juicy internal or external stories & drama ;)  
You will also receive a minimum of three pre-written relations to characters that are not part of your hunter group, as well as the chance to coordinate with the players of your Hunter type and others to make additional relations. This is where we want to stress the co-creative factor of this game: The more stories you weave into our web of existing ones, the more colourful and alive this game will become! 
Most importantly, every character sheet contains a part describing the characters personality traits, their everyday life and struggles as well as one that describes them as hunters and why they chose the hunter life!