Social play in an urban fantasy setting, in which players step into the roles of normal humans, vastly outmatched by the monsters they hunt, trying to survive in late stage capitalism via #ihunt gigs.
Harpooning of corporate culture, con culture, capitalism, the gig economy, etc.
A mix of Organiser & player-driven plot and play
We encourage co-creativity and players telling stories on their own initiative as well as providing a strong overarching and branching plot network ourselves
A pre-written Character with a few assigned relations and primary hunting group
Your character will get a username they have on the #iHunt app/forum
That way real life name, sexuality & gender can be picked by participants
We encourage players to create more relations before the event or during the workshop day
Emotionally tough plots & play
This may include economic anxiety, poverty, existential dread, trauma, toxic relationships,...
If tough themes are present in a characters backstory/play they will be communicated during casting and can always be toned down
Workshops on game rules, themes, boffer elements & safety mechanics
The food will be vegan
No alcohol consumption during play
Players can use mock alcohol during the game if they want to PLAY drunk
Moderate alcohol consumption on the get to know party on workshop day and the after party is allowed. (We trust in everyone's ability to know their own limits)
A mild focus on action and physical fighting aka potential situations including boffer elements
Most of these situations being completely opt-in, in the rare cases it is not, an opt-out is always possible
In & Out game pronoun buttons/nametags
An optional emotional debrief, after the game ends
An afterparty with a dance floor
To be photographed during the game
You can of course ask the photographer not to be, but we can't guarantee it
Actual Forum and possibly an app to look at other characters as your character would and taking on contracts which will be played out in a blackbox format on location
This is where most of the boffer elements will be found
A clear set of rules with numbers and stats
A strong focus on action and physical fighting outside of blackbox situations
Play on sexual harassment/abuse
Play to win
Characters are normal human beings and usually survive through numbers and going into fights prepared/mcgyvering something together...or by sheer luck
Alcohol consumption during playtime
Playing a monster Character
Characters will not be of supernatural nature like vampires or werewolves
Workshopping on the lore of the larp
You'll be required to read or listen to it beforehand. We will hopefully also be able to offer an online Q&A before the events on Discord!